Case Study - 15 June 2024

Case Study – Inventory Valuation

Case Study

Inventory Valuation

Insurance Salvage – Critical Valuation




Hilco was able to attend and quickly ascertain the extent of stock affected and gain insight into nature of stock in current state

Hilco used its range of ‘tools’ including market intelligence, and its experience in dealing with inventory to assess and provide a calculation


The valuation provided in the formal report provided both our client and the insurer confidence and met the requirements to assist in settling the claim


Hilco’s appointment provided the leverage that insurers required to manage a complex claim and support the settlement of claim with a robust, accurate valuation


How Can We Help?

Call George Endacott on 0422 313 707 to find out how we can maximise insurance salvage outcomes on your next claim.

Case Study

Case Study

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Published: Hilco APAC